We Serve those who have Served the Nation
நாட்டிற்கு பணிவிடை செய்தவர்களுக்கு நாங்கள் பணிவிடை செய்கிறோம்
Sl.Noவரிசை எண் | Descriptionவிளக்கம் | Dateதேதி |
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2024-03-13 |
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Sl.Noவரிசை எண் | Descriptionவிளக்கம் | Dateதேதி |
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2020-07-17 |
Sl.No | G.O. No.,& Date | Subject |
1 |
16th January 1970 |
Vesting Order and Scheme relating to Post War Services Reconstruction Fund and Special Fund for Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen. |
2 |
Dated: 18.12.1976 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Posts outside the purview of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Recruitment of Sons / Unmarried Daughters / Widows of Defence Personnel killed / disabled in action or died in harness procedure of recruitment through Employment Exchange - Relaxation - Orders - Issued. |
3 |
Dated: 28th December 1976 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Recruitment through Employment Exchanges - Order of priority - Revised Orders - Issued. |
4 |
Dated:30.06.79 |
Medical Education - Admission to 1st Year Integrated MBBS Course Reservation of seats for the children of ex-deceased serving Defence personnel - Orders Issued. |
5 |
Dated: 09.04.1981 |
NCC - Reservation of higher percentage of vacancies in the posts of Lascar, Driver and Watchman in the NCC Department for Ex-Servicemen - Orders - Issued. |
6 |
Dated: 4.5.1981 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Tamil Nadu Ex-Servicemen's Welfare - Service Rules - Post of Joint Director of Ex-servicemen's Welfare and Assistant Director of Ex-servicemen's Welfare - Special Rules - Issued. |
7 |
Dated:09.07.81 |
Medical Education - D.Pharmacy course Reservation of seats in D.Pharmacy course for the children of Ex-servicemen / deceased / Serving personnel - Ordered. |
8 |
Dated:17.08.1981 |
ABSTRACT : Industries - Industrial Estates and Developed plot - Estates - Allotment of sheds / plots - Reservation for Ex-Servicemen - Orders - Issued. |
9 |
Dated: 22.09.1981 |
Public Services - Demobilised Defence Forces Personnel - Re-employment concessions - Limit - Raised - Orders - Issued. |
10 |
Dated: 22.09.1981 |
Forests - Establishment - Welfare of Ex-Servicemen - Reservation of vacancies for Ex-Servicemen for appointment as Forest Guard / Forest Watcher in the Forest Department Orders - Issued. |
11 |
Dated: 24.1.1983 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Tamil Nadu Ex-servicemen's Welfare Service - Temporary post of Deputy Director of Ex-Servicemen's Welfare - Adhoc Rules - Issued. |
12 |
Dated: 6.6.1984 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Tamil Nadu General Subordinate Service - Temporary posts of Welfare Organisers in the Department of Ex-servicemen's Welfare - Adhoc Rules - Issued. |
13 |
Dated the 18 September 1984 |
Indian Medicine - Degree / Diploma Courses in Indian Systems of Medicines - Reservation of seats for children of ex /Deceased / Serving defence personnel of Tamil Nadu Origin - Orders - Issued. |
14 |
Dated: 22.11.1984 |
Public Services - Recruitment through Employment Exchange - Priority for one dependant of Ex-Servicemen - Orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.605, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Personnel.R) Department, dated 21.05.79 - Amendments - Issued. |
15 |
Dated: 09.09.1986 |
Para Medical Education - Ophthalmic Assistance Course - Reservation of seats Ophthalmic Assistant Course for the children of Ex-Servicemen / Deceased / Defence Service Personnel - Orders - Issued. |
16 |
Dated: 20.2.1987 |
ESTABLISHMENT - Department of Ex-Servicemen's Welfare - Reposition of existing posts of Deputy Directors of Ex-servicemen's Welfare in District Offices / Directorate Proposal - Approved - Orders - Issued. |
17 |
Dated: 5/3/1987 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Tamil Nadu Ex-servicemen's welfare Service - Temporary post of Additional Director of Ex-servicemen's Welfare - Adhoc Rules - Issued. |
18 |
Dated 22-6-1987 |
EX-SERVICEMEN'S WELFARE - Bye-Laws for Administration of Tamil Nadu Ex-services Personnel Benevolent Fund - Fresh Rules - Issued. |
19 |
Dated: 6 July 1987 |
Public Services - Reservation of vacancies for Ex-Servicemen in Tamil Nadu Basic Services made permanent - Orders - Issued. |
20 |
Dated:03.03.1988 |
Ex-Servicemen's Welfare - Definition of Ex-Servicemen - Adopted on various periods - Consolidated orders - Issued. |
21 |
Dated:13.05.1988 |
Welfare of Ex-Servicemen - Special Monitoring Cell under Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary to Government for keeping Vigilance and oversee proper utilization of all reservations made for Ex-Servicemen and their dependents to various fields - Reconstituted - Orders - Issued. |
22 |
Dated:01.06.1988 |
PUBLIC SERVICES – Tamil Nadu General Subordinate Services Special Rules for the post of Driver, Department of Exservicemen’s Welfare – Rules amended. |
23 |
Dated:03.08.1989 |
Welfare of Ex-Servicemen - Extension of Medical facilities to Ex-Servicemen pensioners in Government Institutions. |
24 |
Dated 9 June 1989 |
Loans and advances - House Building Advance - Counting of past services of Ex.servicemen re-employed under Tamil Nadu Government for purpose of eligibility for advance - Orders - issued. |
25 |
Dated: 14.8.1989 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Tamil Nadu General Subordinate Service - Class LXXX - Post of Driver - Department of Ex-servicemen's Welfare - Amendment to Special Rules - Issued. |
26 |
Dated: 3 January 1990 |
Public Sector Undertakings / Boards - Reservation of Vacancies for Ex-Servicemen in Tamil Nadu Basic Service made permanent - Extension of orders to State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards - Orders - Issued. |
27 |
Dated: 29.11.1990 |
Establishment - Corporation of Madras, Madurai and Coimbatore - Reservation of 10% vacancies permanently for Ex-Servicemen in the Last Grade Service - Orders - Issued. |
28 |
Dated: 19.06.1992 |
Police - Constitution of Temple Protection Force to protect valuables in Temples throughout Tamil Nadu - Ordered. |
29 |
Dated: 15.8.1992 |
Military - Monetary Grants to recipients of Gallantry / Distinguished service Awards - sanctioned - Revised Orders - issued. |
30 |
Dated:16.03.93 |
Technical Education - Planning and Development - Polytechnics - Ex-Servicemen - Reservation of 5 seats for the Ex-Servicemen in the part-time Diploma Courses. |
31 |
Dated 03.12.1993 |
Housing - TNHB - plots developed by the Tamil Nadu Housing Board and flats/houses constructed by the Tamil Nadu Housing Board and Reservation of allotments - Revised orders - Issued. |
32 |
Dated:26.06.1995 |
Public Services - Scheme of compassionate ground appointments - modifications - Issued. |
33 |
Dated: 22.08.1995 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Compassionate ground appointments - Recruitment of Sons / Unmarried daughters / Widows of Defence Personnel killed / disabled in action or died in harness to the posts within the purview of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Procedure of recruitment through Employment Exchange / Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Relaxation orders - Issued. |
34 |
Dated:05.06.96 |
Welfare of Ex-Servicemen - Serving Soldiers killed in action - Physical and Battle Casualties - Definitions - Orders - Issued. |
35 |
Dated: 2 September 96 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Subordinate Services - Tamil Nadu General Subordinate Services (Class-XXII) Amendments to Rule 2(b) of the Special Rules to the Tamil Nadu General Subordinate Service - Orders - Issued. |
36 |
Dated:4.4.1997 |
ELECTIONS - General Elections to Lok Sabha and Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly - Payment of exgratia compensation to the families of Non - Government employees who die while on Election bandobust duty - Orders Issued. |
37 |
Dated:28.04.98 |
Ex-Servicemen - Conducting "Ex-Servicemen Grievances Day" once in a quarter by the District Collectors - Instructions issued. |
38 |
Dated: 30.12.98 |
Public Services - Tamil Nadu General Sub-ordinate Service - Temporary posts of Welfare Organisers in the Department of Ex-servicemen's Welfare - Adhoc Rules - Amendment - Issued. |
39 |
Dated: 30.12.98 |
Public Services - Tamil Nadu Ex-Servicemen-servicemen's Welfare Service Rules - Posts of Assistant Directors in the Department of Ex servicemen's Welfare - Special Rules - Amended. |
40 |
Dated 12.3.1999 |
Military - Sanction of annuity to recipients of Gallantry awards - Hailing from Tamil Nadu - 0rders issued. |
41 |
Dated:11.06.99 |
QUALIFICATION - Equivalence of Military Trade to Civil Trade as published in Government of India - Automatic Recognition for the purpose of employment in Public Services - Orders - Issued. |
42 |
Datedt: 3.9.1999. |
Public Services - Compassionate appointment - Recruitment of Disabled Defence Personnel/sons/unmarried daughters/widows of Defence Personnel killed/disabled in action or died in harness to the posts within the purview of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission/Outside the purview of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Procedure of recruitment through Employment Exchange - Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - relaxation - Orders - Issued. |
43 |
Dated 2.5.2000 |
Military - Payment of Ex.gratia to the families of serving defence / Border Security Force Personnel killed / disabled in action against the enemy forces / counter insurgency operations and extension of compassionate appointment to next of kind of such BSF personnel - orders - issued. |
44 |
Dated:10.9.2001 |
Recruitment - Tamil Nadu uniformed Services Recruitment Board - Recruitment of Police personnel to the Post of Grade II Police Constable (Men/Women) and Sub-Inspector of Police (Men/Women) - Change of recruitment procedure Orders - Issued. |
45 |
Dated:13.11.2001 |
Temple Protection Force - Enhancement of monthly consolidated pay to the personnel of Temple Protection Force from Rs.1,435/- to Rs.1,500/- Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
46 |
Dated: 31.10.2001 |
Military - Gallantry Awards - Cash in lieu of land to the 6 Gallantry awards for the Gallantry award winners / legal heirs from Tamil Nadu ordered. |
47 |
Dated: 20.12.2001 |
Public (Military) Department - Enhancement of War Service - Incentive to the parents who had sent their sons / daughters to the Armed Forces - ordered. |
48 |
Dated:21.12.2001 |
ELECTIONS - General Elections / Bye-elections - Payment of ex-gratia compensation to the Government and Non-Government employees who are injured while on Election duty - Orders Issued. |
49 |
Dated:31.01.2002 |
Technical Education - Reservation of seats to the children of Ex/deceased / serving Defense Personnel in Engineering, Polytechnic etc. - Issue of eligibility certificate to the wards Serving Defense Personnel Personnel - Instructions - Issued. |
50 |
Dated: 04.10.2002 |
Defence Personnel hailing from Tamil Nadu - Sanction of Monetary grant to the Defence Personnel killed / Disabled in operations and while performing duties in aid to the civil power - Enhancement of monetary grants - orders - issued. |
51 |
Dated: 04.10.2002 |
Personnel - Sanction of Monetary grant to the BSF Personnel hailing from Tamil Nadu killed / Disabled in operations and while performing duties in aid to the civil power - Enhancement of monetary grants - orders - issued. |
52 |
Dated:10.12.2002 |
Ex-Servicemen's Welfare - Definition of Ex-Servicemen adopted during various periods - Consolidated Orders - Issued. |
53 |
Dated:30.05.2003 |
Higher Education - Technical Education - Special Reservations in Technical Institution for the year 2003-2004 - Judgment of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras in W.A.No.3221 of 2002 and W.A.M.P.No.5348 of 2002 etc. - Orders - issued. |
54 |
Dated: 04.07.2003 |
Law Department - Legal Studies - Special Reservations in the Law Colleges for the year 2003-2004 - Judgment of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras in W.A.No.3221 of 2002 and W.A.M.P.No.5348 of 2002 etc. - orders - issued |
55 |
Dated: 18.5.2004 |
Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board - Revision of rent for Commercial buildings of Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board at 5% per annum form the present 10% per annum - Reduction of rent for First Floor of Commercial Complex of Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board by 10% as compared to the rent of the Ground Floor - orders issued. |
56 |
Dated: 27.05.2004 |
Technical Education - Admission to direct second year B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Courses under Lateral Entry Scheme - Special reservation in Technical Institutions - Orders - Issued. |
57 |
Dated:15.04.2005 |
Ex-Servicemen - Guidelines for mobilization of Ex-Servicemen for Election bandobust duties with State Police Personnel - Orders - Issued. |
58 |
Dated: 22.08.2005 |
Ex-Servicemen - Welfare of Ex-Servicemen - Provision of appointment on Compassionate grounds to next of kin of Defence Personnel killed in action / Battle Casualties as a Special case by relaxing the ban orders for Compassionate appointment - Orders - Issued. |
59 |
Dated: 26.06.2006 |
Medical Education - Admission of candidates to Para Medical Courses 2006-2007 Session - Draft Policy / Prospectus Approved. |
60 |
Dated: 28.07.2006 |
Amalgamated funds - Contribution to Amalgamated Tamil Nadu Shares of Post War Services Reconstruction Fund and Special funds for reconstruction and rehabilitation of Ex-servicemen for 2005-2006 - Expenditure of Rs.7.52 lakhs Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
61 |
Dated: 28.07.2006 |
Welfare of Ex-Servicemen - Amalgamated Fund for Ex-Servicemen - Pre-Cum- Post Release Training Scheme for Service Personnel - Expenditure incurred towards stipend paid for Ex-Servicemen during 2005-2006 - Grant from Government - Sanctioned |
62 |
Dated: 15.09.2006 |
Committee - Committee for Administration of Amalgamated Fund for Ex-Servicemen - Nomination of Members and Non-Official Members - Orders - Issued. |
63 |
Dated : 1.12.2006 |
Amalgamated funds - Contribution to Amalgamated Tamil Nadu Shares of Post War. Services Reconstruction Fund and Special Funds for reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen for 2005-2006 - Expenditure of Rs.18,000/- - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
64 |
Dated: 18.06.2007 |
Elections - Local Body Elections - Payment of ex-gratia compensation to the Government and Non-Government employee who die or injured while on election duty - Orders - Issued. |
65 |
Dated: 30.03.2007 |
Employment Exchanges - Filling up of vacancies - Fixation of ratio for sponsoring candidates from the Employment Exchanges - Orders - Issued. |
66 |
Dated: 22.01.2007 |
PUBLIC SERVICES - Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Services - Rule of Reservation - Reservation of 5% of vacancies for Ex-Servicemen in Group 'C' posts in State Government Service - Ordered - Amendment to Rule 22 of the General Rules - Issued. |
67 |
Dated: 12.01.2012 |
Ex-Servicemens Welfare - Bye-Laws for Administration of Tamil Nadu Ex-Services Personnel Benevolent Fund - Appointment of Additional Secretary to Government, Finance Department as Co-Opted Member in the Financial Sub-Committee for Administration of Tamil Nadu Ex-Services Personnel Benevolent Fund - Orders - Issued. |
68 |
Dated: 12.01.2012 |
Temple Protection Force - Enhancement of monthly consolidated pay to the personnel of Temple Protection Force from Rs.1,500/- to Rs.5,000/- - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
69 |
Dated: 07.03.2012 |
Public Services - Compassionate appointment - Recruitment of Disabled Defence Personnel/sons/unmarried daughters/widows of Defence Personnel killed/disabled in action or died in harness to the posts within the purview of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission / Outside the purview of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Procedure of recruitment through Employment Exchange - Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Relaxation - Ordered - Amendment - Issued. |
70 |
Dated:4.02.2016 |
Military - Monetary Grants and the Annuity to the recipients of Gallantry Awrds merged and Cash grant to the recipients of Distinguished Service Medals - Enhanced rates - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued. |
71 |
23 01 2018 |
Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare - Matriculate Ex-Servicemen - Qualification of having rendered not less than 15 years of Service in the Armed Forces of the Union and obtained the Indian Army Special Certificate of Education or the corresponding Certificate issued by Navy / Air Force - Equated and considered eligible for appointment to any reserved vacancy in “Group–C” posts for which the Graduation has been prescribed as essential educational qualification - Orders issued. |
72 |
05 4 2017 |
Ex-Servicemen Welfare - Honble Chief Ministers Announcements – Sanction of Dual Family Pension for the families of Defence Personnel who had served in the State and retired – Orders – Issued. |
73 |
22 01 2015 |
Medical Education - MBBS seats earmarked to the children of Ex-Servicemen under special reservation - Enhanced -Orders -Issued. |
74 |
24 11 2016 |
Enhancement of the payment of Ex- gratia to the families of Serving Defence Personnel Killed/ Disabled in action against the enemy forces/ counter insurgency operations/ while performing duties in aid to Civil Power |
75 |
08 10 2014 |
Enhancement of War Service Incentive by sanctioning of War Service Incentive in one lumpsum payment along with silver medal to the parents who had sent their sons/daughters to the Armed Forces |
76 |
23 02 2016 |
Scholarships - Tamil Nadu Government Scholarships to cadets of Tamil Nadu Studying in Rashtriya Indian Militar College (RIMC) Dehradun - Enhancement of Scholarship amount from Rs 12000/- to Rs 40000/- per annum |
77 |
29-08-2002 |
Reservation of 5% of vacancies for Ex-Servicemen in Group ‘C’ posts in State Government Service |
78 |
23 Jan 2018 |
79 |
08 02 2021 |
DSSA Board Members |
80 |
27 02 2024 |
House Tax Reimbursement |
81 |
19 04 2023 |
Military - Cash Grant to the recipient of Gallantry Awards/ Distinguished Service Medals -Enhanced rates -Sanctioned - Orders - Issued |
82 |
19 04 2023 |
Enhancement of the payment of Ex- gratia to the families of Serving Defence Personnel Killed/ Disabled in action against the enemy forces/ counter insurgency operations/ while performing duties in aid to Civil Power |
Sl.No |
அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். & நாள் |
பொருள் |
1 |
நாள் :17.08.1990 |
தொழில் நுட்பக் கல்வி - முன்னாள் படைவீரர் நலன் - அரசு கலைத் தொழில் கல்லுரிகளில் முன்னாள் படைவீரர்களின் குழந்தைகளுக்காக இட ஒதுக்கீடு அளித்தல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது, |
2 |
நாள் .06.04.99 |
மருத்துவ கவனிப்பு - அரசு மருத்துவமனைகளின் படைத்துறை பணி ஆணைப்பெற்ற முன்னாள் படை அலுவலர்களுக்கு( Retired Commissioned Officers)இலவச மருத்துவச் சிகிச்சை வழங்குதல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது |
3 |
நாள் .24.06.99 |
கால்நடை ஆய்வாளர் பயிற்சி - ஒரத்தநாடு மாவட்ட கால்நடை பயிற்சிப்பள்ளியில் கால்நடை ஆய்வாளர் பயிற்சி அளித்தல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
4 |
நாள் .23.07.99 |
இராணுவம் - படைவீரர் நலன்கள் - ஜம்மு காஷ்மீர் மாநிலத்தில் கார்கில் எல்லைப் பகுதியில் நடைப்பெற்ற போரில் வீர மரணம் அடைந்த தமிழகத்தைச்சேர்ந்த இராணுவ வீரர்களின் குடும்பத்திற்கு நிவாரணம் அளித்தல் மற்றும் இதுபோன்ற போர் ஒத்த நிகழ்வுகளிர் உயிர் இழக்கும் /ஊனம் அடையும் போர் வீரர்கள் குடும்பத்திற்கு கார்கில் போராட்ட வீரர்கள் நிவாரண நிதியிலிருந்து பயன் அளித்தல் தொடர்பாக. |
5 |
நாள் .06.09.2000 |
உயர் கல்வி - கல்லுாரிக் கல்வி - கார்கில் போரில் உயிர்நீத்த வீரர்களின் வாரிசுதாரர்களுக்கு இலவசக்கல்வி ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
6 |
நாள் .12.02.2001 |
கல்லுாரிக் கல்வி - முன்னாள் படைவீரர் --- கல்வி நிலையங்களில் ஒதுக்கீடுகள் - ஆசிரியர் பயிற்சி வகுப்பில் முன்னாள் படைவீரர்களின் பிள்ளைகளுக்கு இட ஒதுக்கீடு - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது |
7 |
நாள் .21.09.2001 |
முன்னாள் படைவீரர் நலன் / சார்ந்தோர் பிள்ளைகளுக்கு பி.எட், பட்ட வகுப்பில் அண்ணாமலை, அழகப்பா மற்றும் அவிநாசிலிங்கம் பல்கலைக் கழகங்களில் சிறப்பு ஒதுக்கீடு செய்து ஆணையிடப்படுகிறது |
8 |
நாள் .20.11.2002 |
ஆசிரியர் பயிற்சி நிலையம் - மாணவர் சேர்க்கையில் சிறப்பு இட ஒதுக்கீடு - சுதந்திர போராட்ட தியாகிகளின் வாரிசுகளுக்கு இட ஒதுக்கீடு செய்தல் - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
9 |
நாள் .11.05.2005 |
சட்டக் கல்வி 2005-2006 ஆம் ஆண்டு முதல், சென்னை டாக்டர் அம்பேத்கர் அரசு சட்டக் கல்லுாரி மற்றும் தமிழ்நாடு டாக்டர் அம்பேத்கர் சட்டப் பல்கலைக் கழக சீர்மிகு சட்டப் பள்ளி ஆகியவற்றில் நடத்தப்பட்டு வரும் பி.ஏ.பி.எல் () சட்டப் படிப்புகளுக்கான மாணவர் சேர்க்கையில் பின்பற்றப்பட வேண்டிய சிறப்பு இட ஒதுக்கீட்டின் அளவினை நிர்ணயம் செய்து - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
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நாள் .12.02.20 |
கல்லுாரிக் கல்வி - தமிழ்நாடு முன்னாள் படைவீரர்களின் பிள்ளைகளுக்கு கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லுாரிகளில் உள்ள பட்ட மேற்படிப்பில் இட ஒதுக்கீடு - ஆணை வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. |
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நாள்: 02 11 2021 |
பொதுப்பணி கொரோனா தொற்றால் பெற்றோர் இருவரையும் இழந்த இளைனர்கள் முதல் தலைமுறை பட்டதாரிகள் மற்றும் தமிழக அரசுப் பள்ளிகளில் தமிழ் மொழில் பயின்ற நபர்கள் ஆகியோருக்கு வேலைவாய்ப்பகங்கள் வழியாக நிரப்பப்படுகின்ற அரசுப் பணியிடங்களில் முன்னுரிமை வழங்குதல் மற்றும் வேலைவாய்ப்பகங்கள் மூலம் மேற்கொள்ளப்படும் பணி நியமனங்களில் பின்பற்றப்பட்டு வரும் முன்னுரிமை முறையினை மறுசீரமைப்பு செய்தல் ஆணைகள் வெளியிடப்படுகின்றன. |
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நாள். 08 02 2021 |
மாவட்ட முப்படை வீரர் வாரிய உறுப்பினர்கள் |
